from $34.00
  • water-based

    product containing two polymorphic crystalline base

    materials. One of these materials reacts with specific

    components in cured concrete while the other acts as a

    companion to the reactive material, that is, it induces

    structural growth in combination with the reactive base

    crystalline liquid. Together these crystal materials

    penetrate concrete in the presence of moisture and

    find, follow and fill voids and capillaries within the

    structure of the concrete

  • Reduces out gassing causing pin holes

  • Blocks penetration of water, gas or


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  • water-based

    product containing two polymorphic crystalline base

    materials. One of these materials reacts with specific

    components in cured concrete while the other acts as a

    companion to the reactive material, that is, it induces

    structural growth in combination with the reactive base

    crystalline liquid. Together these crystal materials

    penetrate concrete in the presence of moisture and

    find, follow and fill voids and capillaries within the

    structure of the concrete

  • Reduces out gassing causing pin holes

  • Blocks penetration of water, gas or


  • water-based

    product containing two polymorphic crystalline base

    materials. One of these materials reacts with specific

    components in cured concrete while the other acts as a

    companion to the reactive material, that is, it induces

    structural growth in combination with the reactive base

    crystalline liquid. Together these crystal materials

    penetrate concrete in the presence of moisture and

    find, follow and fill voids and capillaries within the

    structure of the concrete

  • Reduces out gassing causing pin holes

  • Blocks penetration of water, gas or
