What is NRC Inc. Contractor Member?
What is an NRC Inc. Contractor member?
As an owner, builder, architect, interior/exterior designer you take great pride in your designs. To see your creative visions come to reality, you appreciate having assurance that the contractor installing the resinous work is highly skilled and qualified to install a resinous application. An NRC Inc. contractor is your best option for quality assurance on your construction project.
As a General Contractor, you appreciate a knowledgeable subcontractor with experienced crews who are on top of their specialty trade. You need a resinous contractor who is competitively priced and can deliver. The NRC Inc. contractor is trained to be just that.
The NRC Inc. contractor membership criteria has a 2 yr minimum of operation/ownership. If not applicable the A.R.C.T.F is available to the to become an NRC Inc. contractor member. To be come and member requires a commitment in time and money.
NRC Inc. staff may conduct site visits to past projects and interview recent relationships to ensure the quality of the applicant's resinous installations. Good relationships, good business.
The NRC Inc. knows that not every project goes as planned and issues may arise. The NRC Inc. staff will research past projects to insure the potential member can resolve these issues and stand behind their work. We want good stewards of the resinous industry. Right and wrong ways to handle issues. NRC Inc. educates contractors as best as they can on procedures to handle issues if they arrive.
The NRC Inc. member is educated and trained on NRC Inc.-educational data programs. Once a member, the NRC Inc. contractor will continue to have access regular educational updates and training classes held by the NRC Inc. Continuing training makes your resinous contractor a better specialty contractor by keeping them updated on the latest resinous technology and new safety procedures.
The passion for resinous applications creates a unique collaboration between members of the NRC Inc. allowing an open exchange of ideas and experience. An NRC Inc. member has literally generations of knowledge and expertise at their fingertips.
The NRC Inc. member has a wealth of information accessible online: specifications, color palette, reference guide, design ideas and more. Samples may be obtained during the design phase. 1 on 1 scheduled meet ups via zoom/google meets or in person lunch & Learn presentations can be scheduled.
The NRC Inc. has a two technical advisors (English & Spanish), available for members, who can answer questions during design and installation. Working with an NRC Inc. member allows you access to the expertise you need for your project
NRC Inc. contractor members sign on to join the NRC Inc. and abide by NRC Inc. Membership Procedure agreement
Discount Programs
Exclusive member pricing on NRC products. Online member store only direct shipping. Exclusive partnership pricing with different companies to bring our members savings on a variety of different business products from safety equipment, diamond tooling, floor cleaning / maintenance products.
Safety Resources &
NRC Inc Data
Keep updated on how to keep yourself or crew safe
NRC Inc. Online Education Courses
& test for NRC Inc members, educate yourself and your crew. Video education on NRC Inc. products, systems, tips
(free to members)
NRC Inc. Safety Management Plan
NRC Inc. Handbook
(Free to members)
NRC Inc. Organic Vapor Exposure Plan
(Toxic & Hazardous Substances Occupational Safety and Health Standard specifications)
NRC Inc Silica Exposure Plan
(DOL Specifications)
(free to members)
NRC Inc employee job application spec sheet (free to members)
Networking & Information
Multiple In-Person Opportunities
WOC (World of Concrete)
1 : 1 Consultations
Annual Conference
Quarterly Meetings
Member Golf Outing
Member Support
NRC Inc is dedicated to answering your questions. Need consultation NRC Inc is here for our members. Facetime/Zoom/Google Meets. Our if need be in person appointment can be setup English & Spanish representative available.
Online Member Blog
Online blog developed to connect with members worldwide and get answers to your most pressing questions through collaboration and conversation.
Social Media Outlets
Stay connected with NRC Inc.. Be sure to like, comment and follow!
National Resinous Coatings Inc. is dedicated to supplying anything we can to help installers to have the most successful resinous applications with the highest standards in quality and safety.
Email : nationalresinouscoatings@gmail.com
Phone Number : ( 719 ) 433 - 8666